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The Ultimate Question Bank!



Evolve you tutoring with this flexible, immediate and vast bank of physics questions for every major physics exam board.

Sorted by board and topic, then named for easy searching of question type, the Ultimate Question Bank is the entirety of Physics GCSE and A Level at your fingertips.


As a tutor, you'll get exclusive access to your very own hard-copy download of the question bank to your local computer. No subscription access to a third party site. One payment and it's all yours to do with as you please.​​

Need ONLY mechanics multiple-choice questions? Voila!

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Only want 6-marker photoelectric effect questions? Done!​

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Need to practice Thermodynamics for Edexcel? Easy!​

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These questions are free to view on exam board websites, BUT I've done the hard work to:


- isolate each and every question

- sort each question into it's relevant topic folder

- name each and every question by subject for easy-searching and filtering


1000's of practice questions at your fingertips, whenever you need it!


Here's what current users have to say:

"I now use the UQB in all of my lessons, saving me hours of lesson planning and question sourcing. Having every past exam question organized in one place allows me to quickly find relevant questions for each topic, ensuring my students get the best possible practice. This has noticeably improved their confidence and exam technique, as they are exposed to a variety of question styles and difficulty levels."

"It's been game-changing!"

"This is genuinely an invaluable investment for any physics tutor or teacher. The depth of content ensures I’ll be using it year after year, making it a resource that continuously adds value to my teaching."

Still not sure?


Try this GCSE section of The Ultimate Question Bank for FREE!



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